Headshot of Veronica

Two Generations of Financial Literacy Through Co-op Capital Loans

Economic independence and cultivating generational wealth is crucial for Latina women. Veronica Avalos, originally from Mexico, now an Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors (AP/OD) facilitator, decided to take her finances into her own hands. She applied for the Nusenda Co-op Capital Loan through Partnership for Community Action (PCA) so she could begin building credit and make sure her family is well versed …

Our Public Allies: Learning, Growing, and Fighting for the Future

Meet Ismael Hernandez and Jaime Tovar With a mission to create a just and equitable society and diverse leadership to sustain it, Public Allies is an organization that matches students with nonprofit organizations all over the country. Students are immersed in the work of a nonprofit, serving and learning from their communities, while receiving a stipend and an educational award …

Las cuentas de ahorro infantil pueden ayudar a cerrar la brecha de riqueza racial

Por Javier Martínez Todos los niños deberían tener lo que necesitan para crecer, vivir y prosperar con dignidad, y la seguridad económica es una forma clave de conseguirlo.  Por desgracia, los niños latinos tienen muchas más probabilidades de nacer en familias con un bienestar limitado o nulo, lo que dificulta drásticamente sus futuras oportunidades económicas. Además, dado que la riqueza …

Child Savings Accounts Can Help Close the Racial Wealth Divide

By Javier Martínez Every child should have what they need to grow, live, and thrive with dignity—and financial security is one key way to get there. Unfortunately, Latino children are far more likely to be born into families with limited or no wealth, drastically hindering their future economic opportunities. Furthermore, because wealth is largely passed on from one generation to …

Woman sitting at desk in office with paper in front

Co-op Capital Loan Series: Norma Casas

Starting and sustaining a small business is no easy feat, for one community member in particular, being connected to the Nusenda Credit Union Co-Op Capital Loan Program through Partnership for Community Action helped support her family business and build her economic independence. Norma Casas, a mother of two and Albuquerque community member, received a Nusenda Co-op Capital Loan to kickstart …

Nichelle at PCA's Social Enterprise Center grand opening

Announcing PCA’s New Executive Director: Nichelle Gilbert

Partnership for Community Action is thrilled to announce Nichelle Gilbert as our new Executive Director.  Nichelle joined the PCA team in 2018 as director of operations where she focused on growing an organizational back office and systems that supported the incredible work alongside community.  Most recently, Nichelle served as PCA’s Associate Director. Nichelle steps into the role of Executive Director …

PCA Team in front of Enterprise Center

Parents for Change: How Parents Involved in Policy Can Make a Difference

Partnerships for Community Action (PCA) is invested in supporting families and parents by working with organizations like United Parent Leaders Action Network (UPLAN).  Mercedes Phelan, a UPLAN National Organizer, visited Albuquerque, New Mexico to visit the Social Enterprise Center, our community-led economic development space. She explains, “We are also excited to continue to learn from PCA and support our other …

Zoom meeting of youth leaders with hand drawn filter

Building Justice: Leaders for Change Fellowship

Partnership for Community Action, along with many other organizational partners and community leaders, partnered with Generation Justice on their Leaders for Change Fellowship. The program brings fellows ages 14 to 24 together with community organizations to give young individuals leadership roles—all through the lens of positive youth development.  The youth leaders serve at a community-based organization and work on topic-based …

Family at botanic gardens

Family friendly things to do this summer

We know it can be challenging to keep your children occupied during the summer and to find activities that work for your schedule and budget. So, we’ve put together a list of summer programs and events for your families:  City Events  City of Albuquerque Summer Fest Farmers Markets  ABQ Kids Events Teen Nights Indoor Activities Albuquerque Museum Explora Balloon Museum …

Mother sitting with daughter on bus

Letting Young Parents Lead

The Partnership for Community Action has a longstanding commitment to supporting families by providing opportunities to develop parent engagement and community leadership skills. For the past year, we have particularly focused on supporting young parents ages 16-28 through a new Young Parents Cohort. This cohort employed PCA’s community advocacy framework, along with the expertise of fellow educational and family-centered organizations. …