Baby Bonds embody New Mexico's shared values of equity, economic mobility, and prosperity for all.

How Baby Bonds Work
Baby Bonds are an increasingly popular government policy in which children, ideally at birth, receive a publicly funded trust account. This provides them with future “start-up capital” to pursue fulfilling, productive, prosperous, and self-directed lives. The invested funds grow over time, becoming available when the child reaches adulthood. The funds can be invested in their education, or they can be used to start a business, purchase a home, or pursue other opportunities that foster upward mobility.
Partnership for Community Action, Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors, MoneyByrd, and Prosperity Works are actively working toward greater awareness and implementation of Baby Bonds at a federal, state, and local level to build economic equity for all families.
Who Benefits from Baby Bonds?
Leslie Moreno-Roacho and her son, 1-year-old Zaiden, are the first family and child to receive a Baby Bond in New Mexico.
“I grew up very low income,” Leslie says, “I didn’t have the opportunity to go to college and I wanted to be a nurse.”
She’s excited that her son, and others, will have more opportunities than she had with the support of Baby Bonds.
“It’s amazing that the new generation is going to have the opportunity to go to school. To buy a home. A car,” she says.
Leslie came to New Mexico at 3 years old. She is the eldest of 5 siblings, and along with her parents, they all call New Mexico home.

Multi-Generational Impacts

Encourages Local Investment

Promotes Asset-Building

Facilitates Education and Careers

Breaks Poverty Cycles
Let’s close the racial wealth divide together.

How else can I help build wealth in New Mexico?
Washington DC, Connecticut, and California have passed Baby Bond programs with state government agencies working toward implementation, backed by government funding. Momentum and support for Baby Bonds is building, with an additional eight states in the process of establishing programs.
New Mexico needs to be on the forefront of closing the racial wealth gap, ensuring all children have equal opportunities to grow and prosper in their home state.
Don’t wait to support this movement - be an advocate for all New Mexico children and get involved today!